GMAT Test Prep: GMAT Secrets Study Guide: Complete Review, Practice Tests, Video

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Study Guide Review

The key to studying for tests like the GMAT is to find the best study style for you. For some, that involves reading a test study guide and for others it may be relying on flash cards. For still others, oral explanations of material is necessary. For this third group, the GMAT Secrets Study Guide is for you.

This book provides a good overview of the GMAT. It provides both strategic advice as well as substantive materials, including a thorough review of the analytical writing assessment, analyses of the verbal and quantitative tests and an in-depth examination of the integrated reasoning test. But what makes this book unique is that it complements many sections of its written materials with online video tutorials, which helpfully elaborate on the written materials. GMAT Secrets Study Guide also enables test takers to practice the material they have learned through the provision of numerous practice questions complete with detailed answers and explanations.

Sometimes taking a top GMAT test prep course is just not possible. In those instances the GMAT Secrets Study Guide provides a useful alternative making it one of the best GMAT test study guides available.

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